The anion is the invisible particles with a minus electric charge in the air. This serves to promote the metabolism of cells and vitality of human, and also, it plays a role in clearing blood, haves the effect on stability of nerves and increases the appetite. So, it is known as vitamin of the air. Sometimes, you could feel to be refreshing around Trees in dense forest, valleys, waterfalls, and seaside etc. The reason for this is a lot of negative ions in the air.
Absorption of anions has a role to maintain the body balance ion. The rate of absorption of anions will be 18% through the respirator and 82% through the skin.
01. Fatigue recovery bY metabolic activation
When the far-infrared irradiation illuminated on your body, it will penetrate up to 3~6cm deep and doing the resonance movement with deep inside skin cells. Because of this, the heat will be generated and it makes the cells activated. As a result, metabolism is accelerated and removes the lactic acid and fatty acids which causes fatigue and aging. At the same time, increases the regeneration of the injured tissues.
02. The effects of Brain wave improvement
While the general sauna has decreased the alpha wave, a far-infrared is appearing to know that the alpha wave would be rather increased. Therefore, the far-infrared will effect improving the brain waves in relaxation and stress relief.
03. Health maintenance by balance of the autonomic nervous
Far-infrared gives out the balance of the autonomic nervous system which is maintained the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. So, it gives each institution to act as the body’s health.
04. Promote blood circulation and Remove body waste
As the heat generated in the inside of the body other than the skin, the sympathy pulse including all blood vessels internal is expanded and the blood circulation of body is activated. The renewal actively is becoming and the blood flowing gets better and it is more to pass through kidney and the more waste matter is excreted to the urine.
05. Generating negative ions, Healthy cells
By generating negative ions, it be enhancement for fatigue, physical strength, as well as it makes healthy cells to be severe pain and it acts to relieve pain by good circulation of blood.
06. Eliminate heavy metal from body
The far-infrared activates the sebum line with resonance vibration motion and it could be discharged the sebum which is accumulated at the outside the body. It sees it will be able to remove effectively at the skin outside. Unlike ultraviolet light which pointing out it is receiving recently with skin cancerous, it does not destroy the DNA gene element differently and also, even though long period it uses, there is not an effect by the human body.